Friday, January 6, 2012

Short Bio of Me

Okay, this post is per request. :-D

So, because this is a religion-related blog, I'm going to kind of focus more on the spiritual side of my life.

My parents didn't raise me in a religious household. My mother was Christian, but didn't regularly practice Christianity or impose it upon us kids. My father was atheist (which he didn't tell me until recently), so religion and God wasn't really brought up or taught to us that much as kids. When I was very young, probably about 12 years old, I read a book my sister had that was called "Conversation with God." After reading that book [series], that was basically my entire belief system. I was not assigned or restricted to any religion, but I had a strong relationship with God.

I grew up a very inquisitive and analytical child, teenager, young adult, and so on. Since I was young, I was interested in different cultures, different religions especially. I read any and all books I could about the major world religions, and they all interested me in their own way.

My mother became religious when I was around 16 years old. Among the many dramas of my teenage years, this basically was stressful for me. She was Southern Baptist Christian, and her views and church was very imposing and suffocating. I HATED going to church with her. All the talk from the pastor about fire and brimstone and how God hates Gays as much as Murderers was TOO much for me. I was in a bad mood the entire day when I had to go. Then, once the pastor came to our house and asked me what I believed, and I told them all and felt very judged and as though I had no idea what I was talking about. I was just "young and haven't found the truth yet." It always seems like people say that when you don't agree with their personal views. Hmmm.

So around the age of I'd say. . . 20 years old, I started going to one of my best friend's culture centers and Buddhist meetings with her. I loved the peace I felt when I chanted and participated and I became a Nichiren Buddhist. I had NOT changed my view on God in any way and Nichiren Buddhism is not necessarily a religion as more of a lifestyle? It's difficult to explain if you have not experienced it yourself.

After a couple of years, I stopped praying (read: chanting) and I just fell out of the loop with it. I didn't feel that the things I was doing was necessary for my happiness.

I never stopped researching and studying religions. I never felt the need to be part of a major religion and I definitely didn't think I would fit into one. I started researching Judaism more and more and was completely intrigued by the religion. I was agreeing with so much of it, and I wanted to learn more. I was trying my best to find synagogues around me that had introduction classes or q & a's or something similar, but all of those were available. . . at a price! And an expensive price, at that! I wanted to learn more, but from people, not just books. I wanted questions answered and all of that. Alas, I found nothing free.

So as I've said, I love studying religion and I did find a Qur'an study class that was available in the area I live that was free of charge and every week. I started attending those classes and absolutely loved it. I loved the people and everything. I learned a lot of what the speaker thought about certain things, and what Sunni Muslims view on Islam was. It was incredibly interesting.

I decided that I believed the Qur'an was divinely relayed to Mohammed, and the rest is history!


  1. Thank you for posting this Persia. Now I KNOW that I misjudged you and again I am sorry. Nice to see you back on blogger! It's been a while. I was worried.

  2. Crystal - thank you! I just have been busy lately & haven't gotten around to writting! What makes you feel you misjudged me & about what, may I ask?

  3. I feel I was just a bit harsh with you some precious comments but I thought..well really, I just think I got the wrong impression. I thought you were confused about who you are or who you wanted to be and I felt strongly that you should rethink your conversion because it really did seem at first like you were questioning your religion. That's why I feel as if I misjudged you. I'm glad I took the time to finally ask you straight up and I'm very glad that you graciously answered all my nosy questions. Thanks for taking the time to clarify everything and thanks even more for being so understanding and open to us all.

  4. Aww, Crystal! You are too sweet. Thank YOU for being so nice & patient!

  5. Hehee..I meant previous...not precious...thanks Persia, I'm glad you're back!

  6. Thanks for the insight into your life!

  7. Islam is the most beautiful religion To the people who hate on it.. Educating oneself frees the mind of prejudice and ignorance regarding other cultures and religions. Take some time to learn about the religion of the Muslims, and you too will come to see a Beautiful Islam.


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