I never watched the show All American Muslim when it actually was on TV, about which I'm very regretful. I finally watched the entire show (first and only season) on YouTube about a month or two ago, as they have every full episode posted. The reason I didn't watch it when it was out on TV was because I was skeptical that it would be a show that I could relate to. A show depicting American Muslims, really? Like, how accurate is this show going to be in depicting Muslims like me? Usually, when interviews of Muslims are done on the news or documentaries, it's usually an orthodoxy hijabi they put on there to represent Islam and Muslims. That was NOT what I was interested in watching and didn't want to promote the single view of Muslims.
I was so wrong. This show is an incredible depiction of AMERICAN MUSLIMS who are EQUALLY yoked in Islam and American culture. Each and every person in this show is a perfect example of the variety in Islam. Nina is the club-owner with long, blonde hair, never seen out of heels and a cute mini-dress, full-make-up and nails. Suehaila is incredibly progressive and ambitious, very driven in her career. I could go on with a small description of each one, but to be honest, it's only best if you get to know them from the show. I was so beyond impressed with this show and about how it essentially depicted ME as an All American Muslim and I am PROUD to have that show represent our community.
Unfortunately, the show did not last past a season due to jerks complaining that "the show depicts Muslims in too good of a light" and doesn't show their terrorist activities. . . . REALLY?!?! Really, that's it. That's sickening, isn't it?
This show was the most important shows to American Muslims and how the country could view us: as we REALLY are. It really is heart-breaking that it was cancelled because America wasn't done hating Muslims just yet. We can't be likeable, not just yet! It was terrifying for Americans to be able to relate to Nawal's emotional roller coaster after having her baby. It was frightening to see how the Muslim high school kids played football like normal human beings. It was mind-boggling how a couple of Muslims were getting some American/Muslims tattoo'd on their body. Their minds couldn't handle it! How could they possible HATE and FEAR a people they were so SIMILAR to?!
They rejected it and because of that, the knowledge that the show could have passed into the minds of the largley-ignorant-of-Muslims people, we will never ever know how it would positively effect how Muslims are viewed in their very own country by their fellow countrymen.
like your post,one thing i want to add thst its true the cocept of Islam is just lies within hijab.The true Islam is to act upon the teaching of Islam that how to interact to the society wha are the duties and what are the rights being a true muslim