Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I'm almost afraid to write this. I'm sure that some Muslims will claim that I'm not Muslim, just by writing this blog entry, but I don't care. I am not on this planet to please Muslims; I'm on this planet to please Allah. In my opinion, it is beyond important for religious people to question things that do not make sense to them. If they don't, they are mindless and unintelligent.

It is a well-known custom among many Muslims to avoid pork their diet:

16:115 He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any (food) over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. . . 

Here's a small history of the Qur'an: It was revealed to the prophet Mohammed over more than 20 years. Qur'an was not written down on paper until years after Mohammed's death. The surahs were memorized by companions of Mohammed, then written down later when the companions were noticing other people taking these surahs and putting their own little twist on them, to put the words of the Qur'an in line with their own beliefs. 

Because the Qur'an was revealed at the time it was, it addresses many things that were current issues of the time. It states that each prophet before was addressing the times and people of that period. Of course, each message had many obvious parts that carry over to the current times. 

Now, why do you think pork is forbidden in the Qur'an? Could it be one of those things that is addressing the specific times when the Qur'an was revealed? One reason people tend to say that pork is forbidden is because it is dirty. The pig in the slaughterhouse is fed and treated the SAME way the cows and chickens and turkeys and lambs are treated: POORLY. They are fed the SAME type of food and given the same type of living arrangement. 

There is no legitimate reason that one should avoid pork if they do not avoid beef and every other animal. In Mohammed's times, there was not a safe way to prepare pork, AND pork was not a type of animal that was easy to raise in a desert climate. It was incredibly inconvenient, therefore pork was not something the people of that area ate. 

Yes, the Qur'an says to avoid pork, but then again, the Qur'an was revealed to a specific peoples in a specific location at a specific time. And again, as we know, different prophets brought specific messages and miracles (from Allah) to specific times and people.

We MUST remember this. If you are a Muslim who avoids pork, but feels comfortable eating beef and chicken, then maybe you should reevaluate this. Ask why! Never just take something that doesn't make sense and accept it blindly. 


  1. Interesting post. I can also see where you are coming from. Conservative and Orthodox Jews do the same thing for the exact same reasons, but then again. They do believe in a lot of the same things, I guess that is what comes from being step-brothers seperated by jealousy of a woman.

    I have heard arguments from both sides of the fence and as I am sure you have figured out a lot of people follow to the T of what The Book says. You are right about when it was written and you are right about the conditions of the animals. That is also why it is important to only buy meat that is Halal and was raised in the proper way.

    Keep up with the good work and for sharing your opinions. I do not think any less of you for wanting to eat pork. To each his own, it is almost like wearing a hijab, you do it not to please the people around you, you do it to be Allah and only Him alone.

    May Allah bless you in everything you do!

  2. I personally do not eat pork myself, but I do not eat any animal except fish and seafood (shrimp, clams, etc). For a long time, I was a vegetarian (9 & 1/2 years) due to the treatment of animals in factory farm slaughterhouses. I have slowly incorporated seafood into my diet.

    Another reason why pigs were not raised for slaughter back in that day is because they would consume all of the grains that were being grown. This was highly inconvenient because of their large appetites and the fact that the grains were needed by the people.

  3. Dear Persia
    I disagree with you in opinion
    Qur'an is valid for all time and place

    For the prohibition on pork
    Not only because it is dirty
    But because God knows that it is harmful to humans
    Many studies were conducted and found microbes that live in pork
    This was not known at the time of the Prophet Muhammad
    But God is the one who said do not eat pork

    And in these cases are not appealing to the mind
    And I mean what I say
    For example,
    Why Allah has forbidden adultery???
    Are mentally so there is no intermixing of lineages
    But what if the two lived together without marriage
    And one does not live a sexual relationship with anyone else
    Except for his partner
    Is this a good and old

    I do not think so
    In the Holy Quran we read:
    (And they said we have heard and we obey.)
    This means that everything God said do not have to resort to the mind
    Because the laws of time and mental change
    But the Word of God does not change
    He is best known

    Thank you, wait to visit my blog

  4. Jamal, I see where you are coming from & definitely respect your opinion. Something to consider also is the difference in opinion in taking the stories from the Qur'an as literal & taking them as parables to make a point. Many people differ on opinions in this, but as long as what you believe makes you happy and you believe it as truth, then no one should tell you to believe otherwise.

  5. Your question is answered over at my blog.

  6. What is dead meat? Isnt all meat dead?

  7. Isabel - LOL! Yes, all meat is dead, good point! I should look up another translation of this, but I believe it's referring to previously dead animals, like ones that weren't killed for human consuption? I'm assuming.


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