I wonder why that is? I wonder why Muslims feel the need to regulate my religion and my beliefs, as if I asked them to, or as if that is their duty. Au contraire, it is a Muslim's duty NOT to interfere with my beliefs and religion:
Quran 109:6 "To you be your Way, and to me mine."
Quran 2:256 "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things."
I must say that it does slightly annoy me, because who are other Muslims to judge my connection and belief in Allah, and my own personal truth? Many Muslims believe that there is only one path to Allah, but if they were to read the Qur'an clearly, they would understand that the only things one must do (as stated over and over in the Qur'an) is to
- Believe in Allah & only worship Allah.
- Believe in the day of judgement.
- Establish regular prayer.
- Establish regular charity.
Maybe Muslims get defensive because they know that my points are valid and their beliefs are ones they have embraced because of Islam the culture, not Islam the religion. (I'll write another blog entry about Islam culture vs. Islam religion.) I really have no other reason I can think of that Muslims get so. . . indignant.
It's sad that I have to refer even Muslims to my post about regulators. If my beliefs offend you, I am sorry you cannot see my point of view, but I will not be changing my outlook for your comfort. You can believe that I am a Muslims or not - either way, it doesn't concern you and you should focus your efforts on other things. If I need advice on religion, I will definitely keep in mind that you are available for me to ask your perspective.