Friday, September 23, 2011


One thing I hate worse than ANYTHING is when people try to regulate my religion. MY religion. When an non-Muslim says "Aren't you supposed to _______?" or an atheist says "Oh, you're doing ________ wrong." Let me deal with my beliefs, the requirement of my religion, and how I deal with my day to day life with Allah. Not you. 

You do not need to deal with how I live my life in relation to religion. I did not hire you in any way to show me what you think I am doing wrong, or what you think I should be doing according to your view of my religion. It must be a terrible burden on you to try to keep me in line with what you believe is what I'm supposed to be doing according to my own beliefs. As Fiona Apple says, "curious, you looking down your nose at me, while you appease - Courteous to try and help - but let me set your mind at ease." 

Even other Muslims attempt to lead me in my belief, without an invitation to do so. Why is this, I wonder? As the Qur'an states, religion is explain to you only through Allah. 75:19 "And that behold, it will be for Us to explain it." Notice, also, how it does not say, "And that behold, it will be for your aunts, your cousins, your father, your brother, your friend's friend, and a complete stranger to explain it." 

I will try to be more at ease when people try to barge into my set of beliefs because Allah warns of these people, and tells us to let them be, because they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. 

This is more of a plea to those who are currently doing this to me, personally, or anyone else around them. To the intelligent people who know when to stay out of someone's business when it is uninvited. I invite you to stop regulating my beliefs. I would greatly appreciate it, if you can. Thank you! Salaamu leikum.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Choice

I was sitting here thinking (yes, I do often sit and ponder things because I'm a genius!), "Why don't people let others believe as they want if it makes them happy?" Let me explain. . .

I was having a conversation with my friend and the Qur'an came up. He said some funny, slightly-disrespectful things (he wasn't intentionally trying to offend me). He was questioning certain things that I believed that didn't make sense to him. I asked him if his mother was religious, and he answered that she wasn't, and that's where he gets his viewpoints on religion. Most things he heard (he wasn't taught, because his parents weren't religiously affiliated) did not make sense to him and he could not relate to, therefore he had a negative viewpoint on these matters. When he was saying things and asking hypothetical questions, I told him, "If it makes me happy, if my religion makes me happy, what should it matter to anyone else?"

I could understand how, if I was miserable about what I believe and fearful all the time, someone would want to convince me that I don't have to believe such things and could be more peaceful without them. I can understand if that were the case. But for most people, religion is something wonderful to their lives. It's funny, because it's usually Atheists who are trying to convince others against their religions. I wonder why. . . I wonder why an Atheist would tell me how stupid he thinks what I believe spiritually is. Is it to simply express his point of view? Or is it to convince me of his way of thinking? If I am peaceful, happy, and content with what I believe, why should it bother him in the least, if it doesn't affect him in any way?

Usually, the people I've met who are like this, are like this in any aspect. . . For example, if I am listening to music, and they hate it, they will tell me how horrible it is and continue on. If I love a movie, and they do not, they will continue on with why it is bad and why no one should like it. Maybe, this is satisfying to them? I really don't know. Any thoughts? I would like to understand why certain people act this way. The more we understand one another, the better we can react to one another.
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